The safety of our 客户, employees and the communities where we operate is our highest priority. 我们的客户和合作伙伴是我们重要业务活动的重要组成部分,我们承诺所有与我们共同为养活世界做出贡献的人. In these uncertain times, 这一目标比以往任何时候都更加重要,我们在这里支持我们的客户和整个农业行业的关键工作. With the COVID-19 issue continuing to evolve, we wanted to reiterate what we’re doing to ensure our continued service, 健康与安全.

我们继续跟进, and in many cases exceed the recommendations from the World 健康 Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and local health organizations. 这里提供的信息概述了我们为确保与COVID-19相关的业务连续性而采取的措施, while also providing clarity on the 公司’s position in response to this pandemic. If you have questions not addressed in this document, please let your Simplot contact know.

业务 and Supply Chain Continuity:
目前, 我们不知道因COVID-19大流行而导致的任何情况会阻止Simplot履行其对客户的合同承诺. 我们的 relationship with our 客户 is very important, as are their relationships with their 客户. 如果情况发生变化,导致我们因COVID-19大流行或其他原因而无法再履行我们对您的合同承诺, we will let you know as soon as possible, so that you may take appropriate action to protect your interests.

We have implemented the following actions to ensure we continue to meet these commitments:

  • J.R. Simplot公司已部署了一个跨职能团队,负责确保我们的业务连续性计划符合现有和正在进行的协议,以满足与COVID-19相关的监管要求和最佳实践. This includes building and revising action plans and communications to meet existing needs, and planning for potential future scenarios as they unfold.
  • J.R. Simplot公司的全球足迹使我们能够在潜在的产品和供应中断期间降低风险并确保业务连续性. 我们的业务连续性流程包括应急计划,使用此足迹来支付影响并确保在这些时间内继续提供服务. 我们相信我们有能力满足你们的需求,并将继续密切监测未来的任何潜在影响.
  • 我们的应急计划包括确定替代供应商以支持物料的临时供应, packaging and finished goods, whether sourced domestically or internationally. We will communicate information to impacted 客户 where necessary.
Travel and Visitor Restrictions:
  • J.R. Simplot公司限制了往返于不同国家的商务旅行,以达到或超越《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》所概述的最佳做法 Centers for Disease Control’s Travel 健康 Notices. Simplot还限制了商务旅行和访问,仅包括在所有国内地点进行的关键业务旅行. All such travel must be reviewed and approved by 公司 leadership.
  • Simplot员工和合同工有义务满足其所在社区规定的检疫要求, or by 公司 guidelines, whichever is most restrictive.
  • Simplot has also implemented visitor restrictions at all worldwide locations. Only Visitors fulfilling business-critical activities may enter Simplot facilities. Visitors 谁 have recently been to specific countries, as outlined by the CDC, may not enter Simplot facilities regardless of business need.
    注意: This restriction list is likely to change often; refer to the CDC’s Travel 健康 Notices for the most recent list. We have included countries with warning levels 1, 2 or 3 in our visitor restriction.
Employee 健康 and Wellbeing:
  • The safety of our 客户, 员工和我们运营所在的社区是我们的首要任务,我们将继续遵守或超过所有监管要求,并采取适当措施,在冠状病毒方面保持这一标准.
  • 我们的传染病政策解决了潜在疾病爆发期间员工的要求,并要求员工在生病时不要进入工作场所. 进入Simplot设施的每个人都将被测量体温,并被要求回答一系列症状筛查问题以及确定潜在暴露于COVID-19的问题.
  • 如果地方或国家管理机构对传染病实施更严格的指导方针, or specific to the coronavirus, we will adopt practices that meet or exceed those guidelines.
  • Simpot已经实施了3+1指南,张贴在每个地点,并在所有通信中使用,以提醒和加强. These guidelines address requirements around physical distancing, 口罩, cleanliness and monitoring your health.
  • 我们的员工教育工作包括提供有关如何降低接触和感染COVID-19风险的信息, both while working and when away from work, and clear direction on how to respond if an employee is sick or feels they have been exposed to the virus. This information is available not only to employees, but to all visitors to our facilities.
COVID-19 Vaccinations:
  • The 公司 is actively monitoring the vaccine distribution plans at the federal and state level, as well as within each health district where we have operations. 许多Simplot员工属于早期接种疫苗的类别,其中包括食品和农业行业的基本工人.
  • Based on the current limited availability of vaccines, the 公司 will not be mandating our employees be vaccinated. 随着这种情况的发展,我们将继续监测疫苗的供应情况以及强制性疫苗的任何需求. 我们是, 然而, strongly encouraging everyone get vaccinated, and to check with their healthcare provider if they have concerns about the vaccine.
  • 我们正在积极调查设立现场疫苗接种诊所的机会,以便为尽可能多的员工提供疫苗. 我们是 also developing tools to help educate our employees on the benefit of receiving the vaccination, to help encourage vaccinations.